Won't kick a player

I suggest you make use of printf and see what pInfo[playerid][pAdminPIN] contains.

Messages In This Thread
Won't kick a player - by Gerira Gaijin - 18.01.2012, 23:31
Re: Won't kick a player - by [ABK]Antonio - 18.01.2012, 23:34
Re: Won't kick a player - by Gerira Gaijin - 18.01.2012, 23:52
Re: Won't kick a player - by Tannz0rz - 19.01.2012, 00:35
Re: Won't kick a player - by Gerira Gaijin - 19.01.2012, 00:40
Respuesta: Won't kick a player - by OPremium - 19.01.2012, 00:42
Re: Respuesta: Won't kick a player - by [ABK]Antonio - 19.01.2012, 01:01

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