Question: quite simple.

Originally Posted by Dokins
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Take for instance that I want to create say 5 gas stations, How would I check if the person is in range of any of them without having to use || each time in an if statement?
There is no issue with using if statements as it evaluates each condition individually. Usage of logical operators (most notable ||) within a single expression is reliable as the condition is passed quite quickly to the next statement. As stated there are alternative methods than doing what you've requested.

Messages In This Thread
Question: quite simple. - by Dokins - 17.01.2012, 17:31
Re: Question: quite simple. - by T0pAz - 17.01.2012, 18:02
Re: Question: quite simple. - by Dokins - 17.01.2012, 18:04
Re: Question: quite simple. - by Gh05t_ - 17.01.2012, 18:10
Respuesta: Question: quite simple. - by admantis - 17.01.2012, 18:17

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