Detecting a character in a players name

Hey guys, I have a /changename cmd but I only jsut realized that people can put spaces and shit in there name and it fucks up the MySQL database. So whats the best way I could check if theres any spaces or unwanted characters in the players name?

Messages In This Thread
Detecting a character in a players name - by LiamM - 17.01.2012, 16:15
Re: Detecting a character in a players name - by T0pAz - 17.01.2012, 16:19
Re: Detecting a character in a players name - by LiamM - 17.01.2012, 16:20
Re: Detecting a character in a players name - by MP2 - 17.01.2012, 16:21
Re: Detecting a character in a players name - by LiamM - 18.01.2012, 16:05

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