Looking for a admin duty system

hello people i hope someone can help me with this problem i hope someone can leave a code for a admin duty script if would be really greatful with someone could script one or help another way please help.


/aduty- turns admin command s on and show the admins names in /admins, changes skin to 217

/aoffduty - turns admin caommands off and there name doesnt show up when they do /admin changes back to what they first choose.

please help guys

Messages In This Thread
Looking for a admin duty system - by Captain_jeffree95 - 17.01.2012, 04:25
Re: Looking for a admin duty system - by Quinlynn - 03.03.2012, 02:05
Re: Looking for a admin duty system - by Deduction - 03.03.2012, 02:51
Re: Looking for a admin duty system - by Walsh - 03.03.2012, 03:01
Re: Looking for a admin duty system - by Deduction - 03.03.2012, 03:44
Re: Looking for a admin duty system - by Walsh - 03.03.2012, 06:13
Re: Looking for a admin duty system - by VIPAwesome - 03.03.2012, 06:21
Re: Looking for a admin duty system - by Walsh - 03.03.2012, 06:28
Re: Looking for a admin duty system - by VIPAwesome - 03.03.2012, 07:20
Re: Looking for a admin duty system - by Danish7 - 06.03.2014, 04:08

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