14.01.2012, 07:13
I have big trouble with the vehicleid function in some of my commands, is it samp or the code maybe?
I cant see why the commands shouldnt work and get the right vehicle id for the right player using the cmds.
You have to type the cmd twice sometimes, and when you step out or die in the plane..the rockets removes from all players.
Hope someone can have some ideas about what can be wrong.
You can see on this vid when i type /load and Testing_debugger also getting rockets when he shouldn't get it, and when i get out..the rockets removes from him.
I have big trouble with the vehicleid function in some of my commands, is it samp or the code maybe?
I cant see why the commands shouldnt work and get the right vehicle id for the right player using the cmds.
You have to type the cmd twice sometimes, and when you step out or die in the plane..the rockets removes from all players.
Hope someone can have some ideas about what can be wrong.
You can see on this vid when i type /load and Testing_debugger also getting rockets when he shouldn't get it, and when i get out..the rockets removes from him.