Making a moving ship.

So i have a queston about moveobject and using it to move a ship. I was just wondering if it was possible to take 6 objects....
PHP код:
    shipa CreateObject(9585, -1024.33, -282.617.56,   0.000.0097.62);
shipb CreateObject(9586, -1023.86, -284.7517.64,   0.000.0097.62);
shipc CreateObject(9584, -1014.37, -356.6826.62,   0.000.0097.62);
shipd CreateObject(9590, -1025.17, -279.319.25,   0.000.0097.62);
shipe CreateObject(9761, -1024.14, -283.7327.44,   0.000.0097.62);
shipf CreateObject(9698, -1014.68, -344.7829.51,   0.000.0097.62); 
...Them 6, and make it into one identifyer for the ease of making the ship move as a whole instead of making 6 seperate moveobject, cause at the moment its not working out too good. I made the ship in samp map editor so its close enough to perfect for me. I am new to scripting and at the moment using a premade moving ship script and using it to learn how to make my own.
And my other question is how would i make a constant route with the ship and no stops, i know how to use setobjectrot, but just wondering what i would have to do to make it keep going.

Messages In This Thread
Making a moving ship. - by nickdodd25 - 14.01.2012, 05:23
Re: Making a moving ship. - by mineralo - 14.01.2012, 09:58
Re: Making a moving ship. - by Outcast - 14.01.2012, 11:02

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