
AddPlayerClass = 1st - Skin(sry my bad for playerid) , 2nd - X , 3rd - Y, 4th - Z.

Now you know that usage for AddPlayerClass is
pawn Код:
AddPlayerClass(skinid, X, Y, Z, Rotation, Weap1, Weap1ammo, Weap2, Weap2ammo, Weap3, Weap3ammo);
So, all you need to get from the "addplayerclass" is the 2nd, 3rd and 4th row which are X Y and Z
and that's as easy as it can get.

Messages In This Thread
SetPlayerPos - by davve95 - 13.01.2012, 20:10
Re: SetPlayerPos - by Voldemort - 13.01.2012, 20:24
Re: SetPlayerPos - by davve95 - 13.01.2012, 20:47
Re: SetPlayerPos - by CmZxC - 13.01.2012, 20:51
Re: SetPlayerPos - by nmader - 13.01.2012, 20:55
Re: SetPlayerPos - by davve95 - 13.01.2012, 20:57
Re: SetPlayerPos - by CmZxC - 13.01.2012, 21:01
Re: SetPlayerPos - by legho - 13.01.2012, 23:12
Re: SetPlayerPos - by Kontrol - 13.01.2012, 23:18
Re: SetPlayerPos - by davve95 - 14.01.2012, 11:30

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