13.01.2012, 11:00
if(mPlayerCreate(playerid,params[0])) { format(string,sizeof(string),"You have successfully registered your username %s with the password %s",ReturnName(playerid),params); SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOUR_IVORY,string); format(string,sizeof(string),"** You must now login to your account with /login %s",params); SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOUR_RED,string); new vps[186]; format(vps,sizeof(vps),"Player: ' %s ' Has registered to the server, We now have a total of '%d' registered users",ReturnName(playerid),mGetRegistered()); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOUR_YELLOW,vps); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOUR_RED,"Error: There was an unknown error while trying to create your account, contact an /admins"); } return 1; }
Help please?