Bot Attack - 'Real' Players

Originally Posted by MasterKy
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############## INGLES #################
I think I found a way to stop most bots.
From the fact that most hackers uses proxy and my players are from Brazil and Portugal, i will ban all IP masks of countries that provide proxies.
I set up a script that generated a list with this IPs and so she saved the file samp.ban
If anyone needs, you can contact me, I send.

############## PORTUGUES #################
Acho que descobri um modo de acabar com a maioria dos bots.
VIndo do fato de que a maioria dos hackers utiliza proxy e que meus jogadores sгo do Brasil e Portugal, vou banir todas as mascaras de paнses que fornecem proxys.
Montei um script que gerou uma lista e assim salvei ela no arquivo samp.ban
Se alguйm precisar, pode me contatar que envio.

You're going to ban people from your server, yet it's your own computer that's connecting the bots in the first place? Kay then...

...and, most countries actually host at least one proxy, so you've just banned the world?

Messages In This Thread
Bot Attack - 'Real' Players - by MasterKy - 12.01.2012, 18:42
Re: Bot Attack - 'Real' Players - by Snowman12 - 12.01.2012, 18:43
Re: Bot Attack - 'Real' Players - by MasterKy - 12.01.2012, 18:52
Re: Bot Attack - 'Real' Players - by Twinki1993 - 12.01.2012, 18:56
Re: Bot Attack - 'Real' Players - by Oh - 12.01.2012, 19:06
Re: Bot Attack - 'Real' Players - by Ash. - 12.01.2012, 19:08
Re: Bot Attack - 'Real' Players - by Oh - 12.01.2012, 19:11
Re: Bot Attack - 'Real' Players - by MasterKy - 12.01.2012, 19:16
Re: Bot Attack - 'Real' Players - by Ash. - 12.01.2012, 19:18
Re: Bot Attack - 'Real' Players - by Oh - 12.01.2012, 19:19

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