Possible to make guns stronger? ++

Originally Posted by legho
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HIC i see, what is the user id on the params though?
(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid)
issuerid = The ID of the player that caused the damage. INVALID_PLAYER_ID if none.

Refer to the Wiki here.

Messages In This Thread
Possible to make guns stronger? ++ - by legho - 12.01.2012, 11:17
Re: Possible to make guns stronger? ++ - by lamarr007 - 12.01.2012, 11:24
Re: Possible to make guns stronger? ++ - by [HiC]TheKiller - 12.01.2012, 11:24
Re: Possible to make guns stronger? ++ - by legho - 12.01.2012, 11:28
Re: Possible to make guns stronger? ++ - by DanL - 12.01.2012, 11:36

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