07.01.2012, 16:25
First of all, you shouldnt trust this jackass - read below
You little shit, First of all you stole that post from here:
like WTF you wanker!?
I hope u get banned from forums
Hey everyone, sorry I've been " AFK " doing other things you really do not want to know.
I'm opening a project, for my own personal reasons for free sa-mp hosting. Right now its in like stage-tiny-1 (lol) Yes! ptpmp.com, which is Protect The President Game Server, I'm feeling nice and want to open a free sa-mp server project. Rules are simple and they are also posted @ forum: New* - YOU MUST HAVE A VALID SA-MP FORUM ACCOUNT! and cannot be registered with in less than 30 days * THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME- so please visit and make sure no rules have changed and check for news and updates. I've probably missed a few key notes, but you get the idea, PLEASE DON'T PM ME HERE or FORUMS! just read what you have to read and you'll know what to do (apply) Happy hunting. Also i think i might limit from 3 to 7 users, not sure yet, i need to test a few active sa-mp servers to test quality of the actual server. boom done, enjoy. * do not contact me for commercial reasons. * not looking for admins/staff to help me at the moment * I am looking for a good PHP coder and familiar with linux, looking for a custom simple control panel to make it more playful for the users - that's about it, cya. P.S. This will not be hosted in PTP's main dedicated server, just FYI! Even though i would love to, since i have massive amount of space and power, its just reserved for Me (web/PTP Server), and pretty much Cessil (with his CS:SA-MP server) Also please post here before ignoring this forum and going to post on another please. Contact: Skype: Jonas_lacost MSN: Jonas_lacost@hotmail.se |
like WTF you wanker!?
I hope u get banned from forums