[GameMode] Fas Drifting GM 0.3d

Originally Posted by razvanhacker
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Can you give me admin commands please?
yaa sure in server type /rcon login fas and then write the 2nd rcon pass which is boyz
and then type /setlevel 0 10
and then type /level 1-5 for commands
but if you want commands by not going to server then here u goo


Messages In This Thread
Fas Drifting GM 0.3d - by FaSihYouSf - 05.01.2012, 16:38
Re: Fas Drifting GM 0.3d - by Young_Khalifa - 05.01.2012, 23:31
Re: Fas Drifting GM 0.3d - by FaSihYouSf - 06.01.2012, 06:14
Re: Fas Drifting GM 0.3d - by razvanhacker - 06.01.2012, 17:48
Re: Fas Drifting GM 0.3d - by FaSihYouSf - 07.01.2012, 03:38
Respuesta: Fas Drifting GM 0.3d - by [Nikk] - 07.01.2012, 04:40
Re: Fas Drifting GM 0.3d - by TheLonelyMoo - 07.01.2012, 05:36
Re: Fas Drifting GM 0.3d - by Kaperstone - 07.01.2012, 11:27
Re: Fas Drifting GM 0.3d - by Tautwis - 07.01.2012, 12:19
Re: Fas Drifting GM 0.3d - by FaSihYouSf - 07.01.2012, 13:51

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