godmode detect does not work, why?

well how about something like... checking if a players ping is lowish and they get hit by ~4 different players who also have lowish pings then alert the admins about potential health cheats

Messages In This Thread
godmode detect does not work, why? - by PawnoQ - 03.01.2012, 01:45
Re: godmode detect does not work, why? - by coole210 - 03.01.2012, 02:06
Re: godmode detect does not work, why? - by PawnoQ - 03.01.2012, 02:11
Re: godmode detect does not work, why? - by cessil - 03.01.2012, 03:09
Re: godmode detect does not work, why? - by PawnoQ - 03.01.2012, 03:17
Re: godmode detect does not work, why? - by cessil - 03.01.2012, 07:37

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