Restrict drive-by?

Check with OnPlayerKeyStateChange if the player is shooting while in a vehicle and while he's the driver of the vehicle. Make sure to except some vehicles like the Rhino, Rustler, Hunter ect.

Messages In This Thread
Restrict drive-by? - by Arrows73 - 02.01.2012, 14:11
Re: Restrict drive-by? - by Basssiiie - 02.01.2012, 14:27
Re: Restrict drive-by? - by silvan - 02.01.2012, 14:51
Re: Restrict drive-by? - by Sinner - 02.01.2012, 14:52
Re: Restrict drive-by? - by silvan - 02.01.2012, 14:57
AW: Restrict drive-by? - by Arrows73 - 03.01.2012, 17:08

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