Spawn object...

the z axis (facing up/down), raises in value when going up. so you want to lower the opbject down by, lets say, 1.6 units - thats a subtraction of 1.6 on the z-pos parameter:
block[atrb][playerid] = CreateObject(18728, X, Y, Z-0.2-1.6, A, 150);
or to make it simpler (it doesnt make AN difference when you are using constant values whcih gets added at the precompile process, so keep it like this fr better readability):
block[atrb][playerid] = CreateObject(18728, X, Y, Z-1.8, A, 150);
if you want the block spawn in front of the player at the ground, you will need to transform the x/y position with the sinus/cosinus and the facing angle.

Messages In This Thread
Spawn object... - by Gooday - 02.01.2012, 13:03
Re: Spawn object... - by Babul - 02.01.2012, 13:17

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