Radius. (WARNING)

playerid is only a player's id. Use for loop to check all the players and make an if statement using IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint to detect if the player is in radius. And also SetPlayerSkin takes 2 argument which is playerid and skin id.

Messages In This Thread
Radius. (WARNING) - by Sasoft - 30.12.2011, 10:09
Re: Radius. (WARNING) - by T0pAz - 30.12.2011, 10:14
Re: Radius. (WARNING) - by silvan - 30.12.2011, 12:02
Re: Radius. (WARNING) - by FTLOG - 30.12.2011, 12:20
Re: Radius. (WARNING) - by Sasoft - 30.12.2011, 18:17
Re: Radius. (WARNING) - by Elmin - 30.12.2011, 19:41

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