27.12.2011, 01:28
I want to write in Caps but i wont!! Use CreateVehicle(ModelID,X,Y,Z,Angle,Color1,Color2,Re spawnDelayinMs);
Use this function under OnGameModeInIt as an example!
This code will add a NRG500 With Purple color on given X,Y,Z with Angle and it will respawn when a player is not driving it till 5 Minutes. If the player come's back in it auto cancel's the respawn!
No use of any other function!
Use this function under OnGameModeInIt as an example!
pawn Код:
CreateVehicle(522,456.134,7945.45,4855.3666,208.456,172,172,5 * 60 * 1000);
No use of any other function!