26.12.2011, 18:23
its not that hard to do it with DirectX SDK
first, you gotta load the image as a texture using (D3DXCreateTextureFromFile)
then u can render it, by either using sprites or vertex buffer
anyways, here is a class i've written long tim ago, u can use it
usage is simple
first, you gotta load the image as a texture using (D3DXCreateTextureFromFile)
then u can render it, by either using sprites or vertex buffer
anyways, here is a class i've written long tim ago, u can use it
usage is simple
CImage *pImage = new CImage(pDevice, "myimgfile.png"); pImage->SetParams(100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 0xFFFFFFFF); // On your render frame pImage->Render();