Objects stuck in air

Hmm OK, because I know if you create the object, they'll stick in the sky unless you go and hit them/shoot them etc or just disturb them in any way, then they fall to the ground and roll normally. I suppose I'll have to drop a car or something on them to get them moving, and delete it again quickly before it hits the ground.

Thanks for the help.

Messages In This Thread
Objects stuck in air - by Thingzors - 26.12.2011, 13:10
Re: Objects stuck in air - by suhrab_mujeeb - 26.12.2011, 13:25
Re: Objects stuck in air - by Thingzors - 26.12.2011, 13:27
Re: Objects stuck in air - by suhrab_mujeeb - 26.12.2011, 13:29
Re: Objects stuck in air - by Thingzors - 26.12.2011, 13:32

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