[Help Needed] LARP (GTA:RP) /v park

Check this part out: CarInfo[carid][cModel] and see if there are any numbers that don't belong, otherwise post the CarInfo[carid][cModel] function here.

Messages In This Thread
[Help Needed] LARP (GTA:RP) /v park - by InActtive™ - 26.12.2011, 10:58
Re: [Help Needed] LARP (GTA:RP) /v park - by silvan - 26.12.2011, 11:34
Re: [Help Needed] LARP (GTA:RP) /v park - by InActtive™ - 26.12.2011, 11:53
Re: [Help Needed] LARP (GTA:RP) /v park - by Thresholdold - 26.12.2011, 12:06

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