Two roadblock objects spawned into eachother


I need help with this code. I am trying to spawn two roadblocks into eachother, so the big holes will disappear. I did some tests and calculated they need to have an X-coord gap of 3.800 ... Now i made this code, but the problem is it's only working properly when the Z-rotation is 0.0. When that isn't the case, the two roadblocks will stand between eachother. Can someone help me edit this to make it work?

stock CreateRoadblock(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:a)
	CreateDynamicObject(981, x, y, z, 0.0, 0.0, a+180.0);
	return CreateDynamicObject(981, x-3.8000493752, y, z, 0.0, 0.0, a+180.0);

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