/mechduty problem

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
    if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/mechduty", true) == 0)
        if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 7.0, 2695.6880, -1704.6300, 11.8438))
        SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 50);
        SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFFFFFFFF,"You are now on duty as a Mechanic");
        return 1;
    return 1;
I'm trying to get this code, to react when player is in the range of the given point. Even though, I'm sure how Im going to make it do it, since that code makes you able to do it everywhere. Can somebody try to fix the code, and maybe, tell me what you've done. I'm trying to learn as much as possible, and sometimes I just get stuck in these things.


Messages In This Thread
/mechduty problem - by ChristofferHoffmann - 25.12.2011, 13:30
Re: /mechduty problem - by rinori - 25.12.2011, 13:47
Re: /mechduty problem - by spedico - 25.12.2011, 14:06
Re: /mechduty problem - by ChristofferHoffmann - 25.12.2011, 14:12
Re: /mechduty problem - by ChristofferHoffmann - 25.12.2011, 14:14
Re: /mechduty problem - by ChristofferHoffmann - 25.12.2011, 14:35
Re: /mechduty problem - by VanHalen9898 - 25.12.2011, 14:43
Re: /mechduty problem - by ChristofferHoffmann - 25.12.2011, 14:54
Re: /mechduty problem - by ChristofferHoffmann - 25.12.2011, 14:59
Re: /mechduty problem - by rinori - 25.12.2011, 15:18

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