25.12.2011, 11:14
Keep all SA-MP Callbacks at the tops, remaining stock functions, at the bottom. Comment out the stock functions. /* */
It's it doesn't crash, the problem is in the stock functions, if it does... readd the stock functions, then comment out half the SA-MP Callbacks.
If it doesn't crash, the problem is in half the SA-MP Callbacks that you remove, if it does crash, the problem is in the Callbacks that weren't removed.
Trial and error. Goodluck.
It's it doesn't crash, the problem is in the stock functions, if it does... readd the stock functions, then comment out half the SA-MP Callbacks.
If it doesn't crash, the problem is in half the SA-MP Callbacks that you remove, if it does crash, the problem is in the Callbacks that weren't removed.
Trial and error. Goodluck.