Missing bracket, can't find.

Keep all SA-MP Callbacks at the tops, remaining stock functions, at the bottom. Comment out the stock functions. /* */

It's it doesn't crash, the problem is in the stock functions, if it does... readd the stock functions, then comment out half the SA-MP Callbacks.

If it doesn't crash, the problem is in half the SA-MP Callbacks that you remove, if it does crash, the problem is in the Callbacks that weren't removed.

Trial and error. Goodluck.

Messages In This Thread
Missing bracket, can't find. - by The__ - 24.12.2011, 19:41
Re: Missing bracket, can't find. - by [ABK]Antonio - 24.12.2011, 19:56
Re: Missing bracket, can't find. - by prisonliferp - 24.12.2011, 20:00
Re: Missing bracket, can't find. - by The__ - 25.12.2011, 05:33
Re: Missing bracket, can't find. - by Thresholdold - 25.12.2011, 09:44
Re: Missing bracket, can't find. - by The__ - 25.12.2011, 10:58
Re: Missing bracket, can't find. - by Rac3r - 25.12.2011, 11:14
Re: Missing bracket, can't find. - by T0pAz - 25.12.2011, 11:16
Re: Missing bracket, can't find. - by The__ - 26.12.2011, 09:11
Re: Missing bracket, can't find. - by The__ - 26.12.2011, 11:16

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