[MySQL] Vehicle Load only for Player on Connect


I have a Vehicle System but the problem is
i would on onplayerconnect that his cars load..

I hope for your help.

This is my query:

new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
for(new i; i<=MAX_CARS; i++)
		format(VehInfo[i][Owner], 34, "%s", mysql_GetStringWithInt("vehicles", "owner", "id", i));
		if(strmatch(VehInfo[i][besitzer], name))
                      // here will load the information from the db

Messages In This Thread
[MySQL] Vehicle Load only for Player on Connect - by rospar - 24.12.2011, 15:14
Re: [MySQL] Vehicle Load only for Player on Connect - by BrandyPenguin - 24.12.2011, 15:34

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