24.12.2011, 10:51
Do you got some tongue twisters?
Post 'em here!
Tongue Twister: Sequence of words, difficult to pronounce, especially rapidly!
I myself got a plenty of them:
1- If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch?
2- Betty Botter bought some butter, but the butter was bitter, so she bought some more butter, to make the bitter butter better.
3- Red leather, yellow leather [Multiple times]
4- Mixed biscuits, mixed biscuits.
5- How much wood would a wood chuck, chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
6- She sells, sea shells, on the sea shore.
Post 'em here!
Tongue Twister: Sequence of words, difficult to pronounce, especially rapidly!
I myself got a plenty of them:
1- If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch?
2- Betty Botter bought some butter, but the butter was bitter, so she bought some more butter, to make the bitter butter better.
3- Red leather, yellow leather [Multiple times]
4- Mixed biscuits, mixed biscuits.
5- How much wood would a wood chuck, chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
6- She sells, sea shells, on the sea shore.