SAMPGDK + Dyncall + AntiCheat = Lib link error (1 error)

I tried to update the AntiCheat plugin with the new SampGDK 2.1.0 but ALWAYS (even a few months ago) when I include dyncall i get this error:

1>------ Build started: Project: AntiCheat, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
 1> Creating library C:\Users\Rafal\Desktop\AntiCheat\source\Release\AntiCheat.lib and object C:\Users\Rafal\Desktop\AntiCheat\source\Release\AntiCheat.exp
 1>dyncall.lib(dyncall_callvm_x86.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _dc_callvm_base_init
 1>C:\Users\Rafal\Desktop\AntiCheat\source\Release\AntiCheat.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
 ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 1 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
Added references, used tutorial etc. everything is in correct position and directories.. Eh. I don't get ut.. the test project from the dyncall 0.6 package does give the same error though... do I need to define something on my x64 machine?

DC__OS_Win32 is automatically defined in dyncall_macros.h , so it's for 32 bit systems.

If you need the source (new SampGDK+AntiCheat source+ Dyncall source - 'ready-to-compile' windows solution - just the error...)

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SAMPGDK + Dyncall + AntiCheat = Lib link error (1 error) - by Gamer_Z - 23.12.2011, 00:17

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