[Ajuda] Server Down!! Rбpido

Bem o que acontece no meu servidor й que quando alguem player entra com um nick non-RP, por exemplo Junior o servidor vai abaixo em vez de kickar o player, estive toda a tarde a tentar resolver mas nгo consegui! Agradecia aqui uma ajuda rбpida!
Obrigado a todos!

Public OnPlayerConnect

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	//==================[Join Counter]=========================
	JoinCounter = JoinCounter + 1;
	dini_IntSet("CRP_Scriptfiles/Other/JoinCounter.cfg", "Connections", JoinCounter);
	ResetStats(playerid);//Setting variables to 0.
	ClearScreen(playerid);//Clearing the users screen from SA-MP messages.
	ShowScriptStats(playerid);//Showing the script information.
 	new first[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], last[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
		SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE2," Bem Vindo ao Portugal Evolution RolePlay                            ");
		new sendername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
		new accstring[128];
		GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));
		format(accstring, sizeof(accstring), "CRP_Scriptfiles/Accounts/%s.ini", sendername);
		new File: hFile = fopen(accstring, io_read);
		if (hFile)
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE2, "Cumpre as regras do servidor e chama amigos!");
	    KickPlayer(playerid,"RevZ_","Kickou %s(ID:%s) Razгo: Nome Non-RP, coloca um nome RP. Ex: Martim_Miguel");
	return 1;

Messages In This Thread
[Ajuda] Server Down!! Rбpido - by JuniorPT - 21.12.2011, 18:34
Re: [Ajuda] Server Down!! Rбpido - by AleeFerreira - 21.12.2011, 18:37
Re: [Ajuda] Server Down!! Rбpido - by JuniorPT - 21.12.2011, 18:42
Re: [Ajuda] Server Down!! Rбpido - by ViniBorn - 21.12.2011, 18:52
Re: [Ajuda] Server Down!! Rбpido - by JuniorPT - 21.12.2011, 18:53
Re: [Ajuda] Server Down!! Rбpido - by ViniBorn - 21.12.2011, 18:56
Re: [Ajuda] Server Down!! Rбpido - by JuniorPT - 21.12.2011, 18:58
Re: [Ajuda] Server Down!! Rбpido - by ViniBorn - 21.12.2011, 19:02
Re: [Ajuda] Server Down!! Rбpido - by JuniorPT - 21.12.2011, 19:05
Re: [Ajuda] Server Down!! Rбpido - by JuniorPT - 21.12.2011, 19:08

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