A problem with a command

Hello i got a problem.. i made a command but when i put it in the gamemode and compile it pawno gives me Don't Send error and i want to ask you where i had miss a word or a function downer is the command.. btw thanks for help

	if(strcmp(cmd, "/usecookie", true) == 0)
			if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash] >= 5000)
				if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCookie] >= 5)
                	new exp = PlayerInfo[i][pExp];
                	PlayerInfo[i][pExp] = exp + 1;
                   	SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, "Ai obtinuit un respect point pentru 5 cookie!;
						SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN,"  Tu nu ai 5 cookie !");
					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN,"   Tu nu ai 5000$ !");

Messages In This Thread
A problem with a command - by ViperStylez - 19.12.2011, 13:46
Re: A problem with a command - by Norck - 19.12.2011, 14:02
Re: A problem with a command - by vassilis - 19.12.2011, 14:03
Re: A problem with a command - by ViperStylez - 19.12.2011, 14:24
Re: A problem with a command - by ViperStylez - 19.12.2011, 16:26

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