RemoveBuildingForPlayer | Object 3375

Already asked 10.000 times. You need to remove the LOD (Low Object Detail) model too. Use a map editor to find out the object id of the LOD (JernejL's map editor can do this).

Messages In This Thread
RemoveBuildingForPlayer | Object 3375 - by brawrr - 19.12.2011, 12:20
Re: RemoveBuildingForPlayer | Object 3375 - by Vince - 19.12.2011, 12:48
Re: RemoveBuildingForPlayer | Object 3375 - by K9Alex - 19.12.2011, 13:01
Re: RemoveBuildingForPlayer | Object 3375 - by brawrr - 22.12.2011, 12:36

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