Is This Good? [VIDEO] [TIPS]

I was wondering if you guys could give me any tips to improve this (Like which animations i should use or object id?)
Basically this is from Assassin's Creed where you could loot chests and it would give you a random amount of money.


Messages In This Thread
Is This Good? [VIDEO] [TIPS] - by DontDropTheSoap - 19.12.2011, 09:38
Re: Is This Good? [VIDEO] [TIPS] - by DontDropTheSoap - 19.12.2011, 15:12
Re: Is This Good? [VIDEO] [TIPS] - by kizla - 19.12.2011, 18:52
Re: Is This Good? [VIDEO] [TIPS] - by Scarred - 19.12.2011, 19:06
Re: Is This Good? [VIDEO] [TIPS] - by DontDropTheSoap - 19.12.2011, 20:29

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