Adding new registration question ??

Aloha everyone,

You know that the roleplay gamemods have a /register part when u join first. there are 3 questions usually.. well id like to add a question like: Write a four digit number for your personal number ! And now the player must write four numbers, that will save as his Personal number.. How am i supposed to do this?

Messages In This Thread
Adding new registration question ?? - by huliojeans - 14.12.2011, 12:02
Re: Adding new registration question ?? - by vassilis - 14.12.2011, 12:13
Re: Adding new registration question ?? - by huliojeans - 14.12.2011, 12:26
Re: Adding new registration question ?? - by vassilis - 14.12.2011, 12:38
Re: Adding new registration question ?? - by huliojeans - 14.12.2011, 14:55

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