HTTP() callback won't fire, + server crash using HTTP()

Originally Posted by KoczkaHUN
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Yes, it is related to the HTTP function.
You can achieve the same by doing this [notice that we use the same ID]:
pawn Код:
forward _crash(index, response_code, data[]); public _crash(index, response_code, data[]) return 1;
stock crash()
    HTTP(4, HTTP_GET, "www.******.com/?q=a", "", "_crash");
    HTTP(4, HTTP_GET, "www.******.com/?q=a", "", "_crash");
And call crash(). This bug is not associated with reloadfs at all.
Confirmed, it crash the server no matter if the ID is the same or not. However, I don't think that's a valid searching link. It requires some more code so as to prevent people from stealing its search results. Also, the returned page isn't plain text. I don't think you can get the required data.

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