11.12.2011, 12:53
- Favourite scripter? Y_Less
- Favourite script released? Hmm....A Bit hard, But I'll go with the Godfather (I learned Pawn through it)
- Favourite betatester? All of them!!!
- Favourite moderator? All of them!!!
- Favourite topic? I dont have a favourite.
- Favourite SA:MP version? 0.2x (I first played SAMP at the time)
- Favourite SA:MP function? SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR, "Your Message Here");
- Favourite SA:MP feature? The Servers.
- Favourite SA:MP callback? Hmm... A bit hard, But I have to go with OnPlayerCommandText
- Favourite plugin? sscanf2 and Icognito's Streamer Plugin
- Favourite include? a_samp, a_players, Y_INI, Foreach and sscanf2
- Favourite filterscript? Any filterscript that makes a scripters life easier.
- Favourite gamemode? The Godfather, I learned Pawn with it.
- Favourite plugin authors? Y_Less
- Favourite filterscript authors? I don't know.
- Favourite include authors? Y_Less
- Favourite gamemode authors? FeaR
- Most helpful people? Y_Less
- Most useless person? I don't know.