When I type /exit, I am set the the last house on the Database.

Originally Posted by Dokins
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if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 5.0, FactionIntX[factionid],FactionIntY[factionid],FactionIntZ[factionid]))
The problem is at the /exit command at this line. What really happens is that if you have like 5 houses with the same interior it will teleport you to the one that found first at the loop.

A solution could be to use VirtualWorld same as the house id. So at the enter command add something like SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, houseid); and at the exit change the if with if(GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid) == houseid)

Messages In This Thread
When I type /exit, I am set the the last house on the Database. - by Dokins - 10.12.2011, 16:48
Re: When I type /exit, I am set the the last house on the Database. - by Dark_Kostas - 10.12.2011, 16:55

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