08.12.2011, 15:39
You need to use mysql_retrieve_row() to update the internal pointer to get information from the current row, then you can use mysql_fetch_field().
pawn Код:
native MySQL:mysql_connect(const host[], const user[], const pass[], const db[], auto_reconnect = 0);
native mysql_log(logtype, windowerrors = (1), MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_close(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_reload(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_select_db(const db[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_query(const query[], resultid = (-1), spareid = (0), MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_query_array(const query[], resultid = (-1), {Float,_}:extravars[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_store_result(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_free_result(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_result_stored(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_fetch_field(const fieldname[], dest[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_fetch_field_num(fieldnum, dest[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_fetch_row(dest[], const splitter[] = "|", MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_fetch_row_data(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_real_escape_string(const string[], dest[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_num_rows(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_num_fields(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_affected_rows(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_insert_id(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_ping(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_error(dest[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_errno(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_warning_count(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_info(dest[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_stat(dest[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_get_server_info(dest[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_get_host_info(dest[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_data_seek(rownum, MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_set_character_set(const csname[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_fetch_int(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native Float:mysql_fetch_float(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_fetch_string(dest[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));