06.12.2011, 18:04
pawn Код:
// This function is used to add toll-gates to the map
AddTollGate(GateModel, Float:OX, Float:OY, Float:OZ, Float:CX, Float:CY, Float:CZ, Float:RX, Float:RY, Float:RZ, TollMoney)
// Loop through all tollgates
for (new TollGate; TollGate < MAX_TOLLGATES; TollGate++)
// Check if this is an empty entry
if (ATollGates[TollGate][GateID] == 0)
// Create a new object for the toll-gate in it's closed status
ATollGates[TollGate][GateID] = CreateObject(GateModel, CX, CY, CZ, RX, RY, RZ);
// Set data
ATollGates[TollGate][TollPrice] = TollMoney; // Set the price to pay for passing the toll-gate
ATollGates[TollGate][GateStatus] = 0; // Set the status to CLOSED
ATollGates[TollGate][OpenX] = OX; // Save the OpenX coordinates
ATollGates[TollGate][OpenY] = OY + 0.0001; // Save the OpenY coordinates
ATollGates[TollGate][OpenZ] = OZ; // Save the OpenZ coordinates
ATollGates[TollGate][CloseX] = CX; // Save the CloseX coordinates
ATollGates[TollGate][CloseY] = CY - 0.0001; // Save the CloseY coordinates
ATollGates[TollGate][CloseZ] = CZ; // Save the CloseZ coordinates
break; // Stop the for-loop
MoveObject(ATollGates[TollGate][GateID], ATollGates[TollGate][CloseX], ATollGates[TollGate][CloseY], ATollGates[TollGate][CloseZ], 0.0001, 90.0, -1000.0, -1000.0);
MoveObject(ATollGates[TollGate][GateID], ATollGates[TollGate][OpenX], ATollGates[TollGate][OpenY], ATollGates[TollGate][OpenZ], 0.0001, 0.0, -1000.0, -1000.0);