SA-MP 0.3D [Exit Bug]

Sometimes when I exit GTA in 0.3d it freezes my game, it quits but when it is quitting it freezes the game so I have to close it in job list ( ALT + CTRL + DELETE )

Messages In This Thread
SA-MP 0.3D [Exit Bug] - by T0pAz - 03.12.2011, 08:50
Re: SA-MP 0.3D [Exit Bug] - by IstuntmanI - 03.12.2011, 09:02
Re: SA-MP 0.3D [Exit Bug] - by T0pAz - 03.12.2011, 09:31
Re: SA-MP 0.3D [Exit Bug] - by T0pAz - 04.12.2011, 15:43
Re: SA-MP 0.3D [Exit Bug] - by nGen.SoNNy - 05.12.2011, 16:23
Re: SA-MP 0.3D [Exit Bug] - by KeKe98 - 05.12.2011, 20:27
Re: SA-MP 0.3D [Exit Bug] - by Johndaonee - 05.12.2011, 20:33
Re: SA-MP 0.3D [Exit Bug] - by KeKe98 - 05.12.2011, 20:36
Re: SA-MP 0.3D [Exit Bug] - by StreetGT - 05.12.2011, 21:42
Re: SA-MP 0.3D [Exit Bug] - by SnG.Scot_MisCuDI - 05.12.2011, 22:48

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