PLEASE please help me what to choose?

What are the benefits of learning C# of C++ besides being easier to learn, which just shows laziness?

And honestly, it's not hard to "learn" any language, especially if you have prior knowledge of others. It's just memorizing all the functions and being able to find updated documentation on them.

Messages In This Thread
PLEASE please help me what to choose? - by SourceCode - 04.12.2011, 07:46
Re: PLEASE please help me what to choose? - by DirtyLilFreak - 04.12.2011, 07:56
Re: PLEASE please help me what to choose? - by Max_Coldheart - 04.12.2011, 08:10
Re: PLEASE please help me what to choose? - by SourceCode - 04.12.2011, 08:12
Re: PLEASE please help me what to choose? - by Hiddos - 04.12.2011, 08:19
Re: PLEASE please help me what to choose? - by Lorenc_ - 04.12.2011, 09:37
Re: PLEASE please help me what to choose? - by Astralis - 04.12.2011, 18:39
Re: PLEASE please help me what to choose? - by Bakr - 04.12.2011, 19:05

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