[REL]SAMP-MySQL v0.15 - dump.sql

Originally Posted by KillermanGR
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Did you try another gamemode?
Well my gm is like 60% modified by me and what i need, and i don`t think to search for an other gamemode...

What ever, i solved the problem by creating by myself the dump.sql with all tables and columns...

Now i`m stuck at other problem, i can`t create the textdraw where i need to put the password to login...

and the biggest problem is that i can a account twice etc, it store in db with same name etc

Messages In This Thread
[REL]SAMP-MySQL v0.15 - dump.sql - by EleMenTalL - 03.12.2011, 19:14
Re: [REL]SAMP-MySQL v0.15 - dump.sql - by KillermanGR - 04.12.2011, 13:15
Re: [REL]SAMP-MySQL v0.15 - dump.sql - by EleMenTalL - 04.12.2011, 13:23
Re: [REL]SAMP-MySQL v0.15 - dump.sql - by KillermanGR - 04.12.2011, 13:57
Re: [REL]SAMP-MySQL v0.15 - dump.sql - by EleMenTalL - 04.12.2011, 15:09

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