SA-MP Crying Bug [0.3d]

I have had this problem in the past as well. I eventually had to reinstall GTA:SA in order to get this to stop. Reinstalling SA-MP did nothing for me, which was devastating because I had several skin/vehicle mods which took me awhile to find and I didn't have backups for 'em.

Messages In This Thread
SA-MP Crying Bug [0.3d] - by dr.pepper - 03.12.2011, 23:09
Re: SA-MP Crying Bug [0.3d] - by grand.Theft.Otto - 03.12.2011, 23:17
Re: SA-MP Crying Bug [0.3d] - by N0FeaR - 04.12.2011, 03:57
Re: SA-MP Crying Bug [0.3d] - by Scenario - 04.12.2011, 04:20
Re: SA-MP Crying Bug [0.3d] - by leong124 - 04.12.2011, 04:44
Re: SA-MP Crying Bug [0.3d] - by Kalcor - 04.12.2011, 05:12
Re: SA-MP Crying Bug [0.3d] - by leong124 - 04.12.2011, 05:23

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