[MACRO] warning 213: tag mismatch

Dear samp scripters I have a problems with #define is give me a loot of error warning 213: tag mismatch
Is there something wrong in my code?

PHP код:
#define INI_Zek(%1,%2,%3) \
if(!strcmp((%1),name,true))return boolstr(value) ? BitFlag_GiveIt(%2, %3) : BitFlag_TakeIt(%2, %3
Please help me to find a better solution or anything else.

PS: BitFlag_GiveIt and BitFlag_TakeIt is:
PHP код:
#define BitFlag_GiveIt(%0,%1)        ( ( %0 ) |= ( %1 ) )
#define BitFlag_TakeIt(%0,%1)        ( ( %0 ) &= ~( %1 ) ) 

Messages In This Thread
[MACRO] warning 213: tag mismatch - by Night Dreamer - 03.12.2011, 18:11
Re: [MACRO] warning 213: tag mismatch - by English-Conceptz - 03.12.2011, 18:39
Re: [MACRO] warning 213: tag mismatch - by Night Dreamer - 03.12.2011, 18:50

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