Cant connect, "server not responding"

What client version do you both have ?

Was the server online at the time or did it say " (Retrieving info ....) " ?

Are you connecting to a valid ip and is your friends ip his own local server or regular / official server ?

Messages In This Thread
Cant connect, "server not responding" - by Megaman54 - 02.12.2011, 10:29
Re: Cant connect, "server not responding" - by Fool - 02.12.2011, 10:54
Re: Cant connect, "server not responding" - by Megaman54 - 02.12.2011, 11:12
Re: Cant connect, "server not responding" - by grand.Theft.Otto - 03.12.2011, 03:25
Re: Cant connect, "server not responding" - by Megaman54 - 03.12.2011, 05:24
Re: Cant connect, "server not responding" - by xMichaelx - 03.12.2011, 05:51
Re: Cant connect, "server not responding" - by Megaman54 - 03.12.2011, 10:00
Re: Cant connect, "server not responding" - by Marin_Franolic - 03.12.2011, 11:21
Re: Cant connect, "server not responding" - by EncikBuyer - 16.08.2015, 15:39
Re: Cant connect, "server not responding" - by Abagail - 16.08.2015, 16:31

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