Gamemode Type

Personally I like Roleplays because it's more of a controlled surrounding when playing GTA. Also the fact that I like to escape this life & live another every once in a while, sort of like living a life I'd never do in Real Life. Becoming a part of Law Enforcement to best protect and serve players or just experiencing the common criminal role by trying my best to avoid the law or get it around it as if real :P

The option "RPG/MMORPG" confused me a little, isn't it basically the same as Roleplay?
(So I chose Roleplay)

Messages In This Thread
Gamemode Type - by Joshb93 - 02.12.2011, 20:41
Re: Gamemode Type - by XGh0stz - 02.12.2011, 21:02
Re: Gamemode Type - by grand.Theft.Otto - 03.12.2011, 03:09
Re: Gamemode Type - by Ironboy - 03.12.2011, 05:44
Re: Gamemode Type - by PlayHard - 03.12.2011, 05:57
Re: Gamemode Type - by [C]ave[M]an - 03.12.2011, 06:07

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