AivarasZs Pawn questions

Hey, I'm begginer on Pawn and I ask you it here questions about scripting.

My first question is how to do when I connect to the server and when opened GUI table example first table be the rules and when rules done go change to registration/login table. Please write an easy to understand script. (Simple example.).
PS.: Gamemode is created new blank.

Messages In This Thread
AivarasZs Pawn questions - by aivarasz - 01.12.2011, 19:22
Re: AivarasZs Pawn questions - by LZLo - 01.12.2011, 19:25
Re: AivarasZs Pawn questions - by Sinc - 01.12.2011, 19:29
Re: AivarasZs Pawn questions - by aivarasz - 01.12.2011, 19:40
Re: AivarasZs Pawn questions - by aivarasz - 02.12.2011, 06:10

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