Before Server Release - Security Measures.

Originally Posted by ******
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Look up "" - it addresses a load of known server issues, including a number of potential crash exploits. You'll also need something at the network level (firewall etc) to limit connections and prevent DDoS (but I wouldn't worry about that unless it actually happens to you yet).

Make sure you encrypt all passwords and don't use high privaledge MySQL accounts (I'm sure most people only ever use one account, which is VERY bad). Some topics I've made linking to articles on this:

I also wrote this the other day on how to make modes with script teams without giving anyone else your full mode source code so you can't ever loose it through other people leaking it:
perfect reply A*

il go through all this now, thanks

Messages In This Thread
Before Server Release - Security Measures. - by English-Conceptz - 30.11.2011, 13:57
Re: Before Server Release - Security Measures. - by Aira - 30.11.2011, 14:09
Re: Before Server Release - Security Measures. - by English-Conceptz - 30.11.2011, 14:30

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