Creating cars on a command

Well, for my RP server, I am having a shipment begin, after so long it arrives at the correct location, a player can then /sunload to get the shipment secure cars. (It is basic for now, as I plan to ease my way into more difficult scripting.)

Messages In This Thread
Creating cars on a command - by nmader - 29.11.2011, 21:08
Re: Creating cars on a command - by sleepysnowflake - 29.11.2011, 21:29
Re: Creating cars on a command - by nmader - 29.11.2011, 21:48
Re: Creating cars on a command - by Thresholdold - 30.11.2011, 01:07
Re: Creating cars on a command - by Thresholdold - 30.11.2011, 01:10
Re: Creating cars on a command - by JamesC - 30.11.2011, 01:13
Re: Creating cars on a command - by Thresholdold - 30.11.2011, 01:18

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