0.3d RC9-2 German Servers?

Hey guys,

I was just wondering is there a reason why the majority of servers on 0.3d RC9 are German?

Here: (reallife)


Here: 2,873 players on 49 German servers.


Messages In This Thread
0.3d RC9-2 German Servers? - by Corello2010 - 25.11.2011, 20:29
Re: 0.3d RC9-2 German Servers? - by WoodPecker - 25.11.2011, 20:30
Re: 0.3d RC9-2 German Servers? - by IstuntmanI - 25.11.2011, 20:30
Re: 0.3d RC9-2 German Servers? - by Corello2010 - 25.11.2011, 20:32
Re : 0.3d RC9-2 German Servers? - by Naruto_Emilio - 25.11.2011, 21:52
Re: 0.3d RC9-2 German Servers? - by Scenario - 25.11.2011, 21:59

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