[Problem] warning 209

Can someone help me please?

    public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
            new cmd[256];
            new idx;
            cmd = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
            if(strcmp(cmd, "/buyclothes", true) == 0)
                 if(PlayerToPoint(20.0, playerid,207.6528,-105.5290,1005.1328))    <---- Line 40
                    new listitems[] = "{FFFFFF}1\t{55EE55}headgear\n{FFFFFF}2\t{55EE55}glasses\n{FFFFFF}3\t{55EE55}bandanna\n{FFFFFF}4\t{55EE55}masks\n{FFFFFF}\t{55EE55}Or\n{FFFFFF}6\t{55EE55}remove clothes";
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,200,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"{448844}Clothes by Eduard:",listitems,"wear","cancel");
                    return 1;
                    GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~r~~h~You must be at Binco",3000,3);
                    return 1;
            return 0;
(40) : warning 209: function "PlayerToPoint" should return a value
But i put the return function.

Messages In This Thread
[Problem] warning 209 - by Eduard93 - 22.11.2011, 20:02
Re: [Problem] warning 209 - by Sinc - 22.11.2011, 20:21
Re: [Problem] warning 209 - by [MG]Dimi - 22.11.2011, 20:23
Re: [Problem] warning 209 - by Eduard93 - 22.11.2011, 20:30

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