Incognito's Streamer - Global Map Icons

Good Evening.

Okay, I've been bending my mind around this issue for about an hour now, and cannot find the issue anywhere. I have searched everywhere around the forums, in multiple "Incognitos Streamer" related topics, and in the release topic itself, with no help with this issue.

I am trying to make a map icon global (with a checkpoint). The issue is, the map icon is simply not, global!

Here's the code I'm using:
pawn Код:
//Where "i" is a relevant playerid in a for loop
//Where "tmp" is an integer representing speed traps/cameras.
//Where "speedx"/"y"/"z" is co-ordinates for specific speed cameras.
broken_cam_map[i][tmp] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(SpeedCams[tmp][speedx], SpeedCams[tmp][speedy], SpeedCams[tmp][speedz], 1, COLOUR_RED, 0, 0, i);
        Streamer_SetIntData(STREAMER_TYPE_MAP_ICON, broken_cam_map[i][tmp], E_STREAMER_STYLE, MAPICON_GLOBAL_CHECKPOINT);
I cannot get that to work, at all. I have tried running it as a standalone filterscript, which didn't work. It compiled and loaded perfectly fine, but the map icon did not appear global nor have a checkpoint (though did I exist as I teleported to the position, and it showed like a normal map icon).

Any ideas? I'm totally baffled by this...

Edit: Checkpoint DO appear. However, they only seem to appear on a Linux server, on Windows it does not seem to have ANY affect what so ever.


Messages In This Thread
Incognito's Streamer - Global Map Icons - by Ash. - 21.11.2011, 19:34
Re: Incognito's Streamer - Global Map Icons - by Lorenc_ - 22.11.2011, 03:33
Re: Incognito's Streamer - Global Map Icons - by Ash. - 22.11.2011, 06:11
Re: Incognito's Streamer - Global Map Icons - by [FSaF]Jarno - 07.05.2012, 16:25

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