

Today I found a very epic bug. ( If this is a bug. )

I added the /tele command in a Las Venturas Deathmatch gamemode, and compile it
without errors, and warnings. In server.cfg changed a rcon_password to 'password'
and 'gamemode0 grandlarc 1' to 'gamemode0 lvdm 1' and save it.

I runing a samp-server.exe and works fine. In class selection selected the id 267 and spawn it.
Okay. I jumping house to house, and have low health. Pressed F4 for class selection,
but somehow is made to need to kill myself, i typed /tele -1000 -1000 -1000 and
a client having bug.
I put it down into a tray, I opened it then the fraps program, and recording this.
At the end I spawning and show TogglePlayerClock function, but not scripted in lvdm.
And have armor, and WHISKY?! The server is restarting and in i dying. (background sound)
Server is banned me, but not created samp.ban file, and not created crashinfo.txt.

Here is the video.

Messages In This Thread
SA-MP 0.3c R3 - Outside - by Neavorce - 20.11.2011, 14:46
Re: Outside - by Powerpuff - 20.11.2011, 20:34
Re : Outside - by Habdel - 20.11.2011, 22:01
Re: Outside - by Neavorce - 21.11.2011, 11:53

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